Sims Park Reimagined: Master Plan Updates




The City of Euclid, Ohio, deeply values its lakefront, recognizing it as a vital community asset and a cornerstone of its identity as "The Lakefront City." This commitment is evident in the City's efforts to enhance Kenneth J. Sims Park, a key component of the City's vision for its waterfront. Previous park improvements, such as the 250-foot fishing pier, accessible walkways, restored Henn Mansion, and disc golf course, have transformed Sims Park into a popular destination for residents and visitors. With recent public investments, like the unprecedented and award-winning Lakefront Trail and Upland Sims Park Expansion projects, and through numerous comments by residents and park visitors, the remaining park layout and infrastructure does not serve the unique and varied needs and desires of the Euclid community.

To further enhance Sims Park, the City contracted with SmithGroup, a renowned waterfront planning and design firm, to lead the "Sims Park Reimagined" planning project. This initiative began with a community open house in November 2024 and continued with a public meeting and feedback session in February 2025. A community survey will be distributed in late February 2025 to gather further input from residents. The City aims to complete the planning process in the spring of 2025, ensuring that the reimagined Sims Park reflects the community's vision and aspirations for this valuable public space.



Project Goals:

  • Determine the highest and best relocation site for a new playground structure, as well as its design aesthetic (traditional, thematic, nature play, or combination)
  • Assess the park’s parking layout and capacity and make recommendations for expanded park use
  • Assess and recommend new trail routes and extensions to connect assets and amenities within the park, including Henn Mansion, the Joseph Farrell Memorial Fishing Pier, and Lakefront Trail
  • Develop an accessible, multiuse pathway on the east side of the park from Lake Shore Boulevard to steer pedestrians and bicyclists away from the vehicular park drive
  • Reconceptualize vista seating areas at the west overlook area and other areas within the park
  • Ensure park improvement recommendations are suitable for, and support, the continued use of the existing disc golf course 





September 10, 2024 – Euclid Board of Control approves contract with SmithGroup for Master Plan Update Study

November 6, 2024 – First public open house held at Henn Mansion

February 1, 2025 – Second public meeting with presentation and feedback session held at Henn Mansion. SEE PRESENTATION HERE.

February 24, 2025 – Project survey releases SURVEY LINK HERE.

March 10, 2025 – Project survey closes

April 2025 – Final park plan and recommendations to be presented to the City




Christine McIntosh
Planning and Development Coordinator
(216) 289-8154    

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