Electric Aggregation Program Menu
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Euclid, Ohio (Feb. 7th, 2025) – Opt-out letters will be mailing to current and newly eligible accounts in the electric aggregation program the week of February 10th. Starting with the April 2025 meter reads, the aggregation program will offer a new fixed rate of 7.69 cents/kWh for 13-months until the May 2026 meter reads. Residents and small businesses should look for a mailer to arrive on or about February 10th, concerning the new electric aggregation program offer from Dynegy.
The mailer will explain the offer the City negotiated and the means to opt-out should a customer not want to participate in the program. Residents will have 21 days to contact, or return an opt-out card to, Dynegy if they decide not to participate.
For current participants wishing to continue, or newly eligible accounts wishing to begin, participating in the aggregation program no action is needed in response to the letter you receive. Only those wishing not to participate in the program should respond to their opt-out letter.
The program will also offer an optional rate of 7.95 cents/kWh which provides residents the opportunity to have 100% of their electric usage backed by renewable energy certificates. To select this option call Dynegy at 888-682-2170.
We remind you that the aggregation program is simply another option for you to consider, and it is important that you make yourself aware of the other options available to you, specifically:
The Public Utility Commission of Ohio provides a list of other publicly available offers on their website, www.energychoice.ohio.gov. Anyone considering these supply offers should be aware of any early termination penalties, fixed monthly charges, or automatic renewal provisions that can quickly offset any perceived savings. Our program includes none of the above.
The utility’s default supply option, also known as your Price-to-Compare. This is a variable rate option which is adjusted periodically.
While the aggregation program has been able to protect participants from rising rates over the past several years, the rate for the new term will be rising to meet current market conditions. The aggregation will continue to provide a competitive price offer. However, it never guarantees to be the lowest available option at all times. Residents are reminded that the aggregation is simply one option for them to consider as they seek to manage their electric costs.
The City is pleased to have made this program possible but asks that you do not call the City offices. They are not equipped to handle a large volume of calls. Any residents with questions about their letter or status in the aggregation program should contact Dynegy at 888-682-2170.
Electric Aggregation Program - Frequently Asked Questions
(Euclid - Updated February 2021)
Program Supplier: Dynegy
Supplier Phone: 866-682-2170
Default Program Rate: 7.69 cents/kWh. No termination fee.
Optional Program Rate: 7.95 cents/kWh. 100% renewable power. No termination fee. (Residents must call Dynegy to choose this.)
Program Term: April 2025 - May 2026
Why is the rate higher than the previous term?
Electric prices, like most things we buy, are more expensive than they were several years ago when the last term started. This is a result of the rising costs of the fuels (coal, natural gas, etc.) used to produce electricity as well the inflation of costs to staff, operate, and maintain electric generating powerplants.
What are my other supply options outside of the aggregation?
How do I know if I am in the aggregation program?
Active participants in the aggregation will see the supplier’s name (Dynegy) and the aggregation rate ($0.0769/kWh) on their electric bill. If someone ever wishes to confirm their status in the aggregation the best way to do so is to call the supplier (Dynegy at 888-682-2170).
What is aggregation?
Under governmental aggregation, local officials bring citizens together to gain group buying power for the purchase of competitively priced electricity from a retail electric generation supplier certified by the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
How is the City able to choose a certified electric generation supplier on my behalf?
In November 2000, Euclid residents voted to allow the City to contract for an electric generation supplier on their behalf.
Who will be our supplier for the electric program?
Dynegy is the current program supplier. Dynegy won a competitive proposal process and was chosen as our program’s supplier through the May 2026 meter read dates.
Whom do I call if I have a problem with my electric service?
Your local utility will continue to deliver your electricity, read your meters, and issue your monthly bills. You will continue to call your local utility at 1-800-589-3101 for emergency repairs, downed power lines, billing questions, etc.
How will I know if I can save money in this Program?
You’ll know you are saving money as long as the program rate from Dynegy is lower than the local utility’s price-to-compare (PTC) which is listed on the bill you receive from the utility each month.
Is our price for power fixed, or does it vary?
Starting in April 2025, our program will have a (2) fixed-rate options:
Both rates will stay the same each month for a 13-month term ending in May 2026.
What if I’m with another supplier and would like to join the City’s program?
Dynegy will always try to accommodate residents should they wish to enroll after the initial enrollment period. However, Dynegy reserves the right to decline late enrollments depending on market conditions.
What does “opt out” mean?
“Opt out” means that you can decide not to participate in the City’s electric Governmental Aggregation Program. By returning the opt-out form, which was included in the mailing, you will not be enrolled in the City’s program and you will not receive the program rate.
What happens if I do not send in the opt-out form?
If you do not return the opt-out form postmarked by the required date, you will be included in the
City’s Governmental Aggregation Program.
What are my energy supply choices if I decide to opt out?
You can stay with your current electric utility, which will continue to supply your electricity as it always has. Or, you can shop for a new competitive electric supplier. A list of competitive electric suppliers certified by the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio and their current prices is available on the PUCO website (energychoice.ohio.gov), or by calling 1-800-686-PUCO (1-800-686-7826).
Will I get two bills?
No. You will continue to receive one bill from your local utility that shows their distribution charges and the supply charge from Dynegy.
Will I still receive a delivery charge from my local utility – (The Illuminating Company)?
Yes. Even though you have chosen a new supplier of electricity, your local utility continues to deliver the electricity to our homes and businesses. Distribution charges and a flat monthly customer charge apply whether you choose a supplier on your own or remain supplied by the local utility.
Can I stay on budget billing/equal payment plan or have my payment automatically deducted from my checking account as I do now?
Yes, the local utility will continue to offer those programs.
Can I exit this program without penalty?
Yes. We are pleased to report that we have been able to eliminate the early termination fees for the program. You may leave the program at any time without penalty.
What if I move?
There is no penalty from Dynegy for terminating your agreement if you move. If you move within the City and want to remain in the program, you will need to contact Dynegy to re-enroll.
Who is eligible for the program?
1. Your local utility company must be The Illuminating Company;
2. You must be a resident or business owner located within the City limits;
3. You must not be a PIPP (percentage of income payment program) customer;
4. You must not be in arrears on your bill payment;
5. You must not be a mercantile customer (accounts using over 700,000 kWh/year); and
6. You must not be a commercial customer with a peak demand > 100kW.
How will I sign up for the program?
There is no signup required. Residents, however, will have 21 days to opt-out of the program if they decide not to participate. An opt-out mailer will arrive from Dynegy explaining the rates, terms and conditions and means for opting-out. If you would like to remain in the program, simply do nothing and you will be enrolled.
How did the City develop such a program?
We have retained Independent Energy Consultants, Inc., a PUCO certified broker and aggregator of electric and natural gas, without using any taxpayer money. They have designed, implemented, and administered hundreds of similar and successful gas and electric programs across Ohio. We will have their assistance and that of Dynegy throughout the program. We researched the process thoroughly and are pleased with the offer they negotiated. Independent Energy Consultants’ efforts were instrumental in obtaining this offer for Euclid.
Does the City benefit from the program?
Yes. The City owned accounts are eligible to receive the program rate.
Will small businesses, schools and churches be eligible?
Small commercial accounts using less than 700,000 kWh/year and with a peak demand < 100 kW are eligible. Interested accounts using more than this amount, will need to call Dynegy to obtain this rate.
Does this affect my distribution charges or the wires coming to my home?
No. Customer Choice programs in Ohio provide residents the ability to choose an electric supplier other than the local utility company. Maintenance of the wires coming to a resident’s home continues to be the responsibility of the homeowner.
Can I opt out over the phone?
Yes. You may opt out by calling Dynegy at 888-682-2170 if you wish.
What is the toll-free number for questions?
For answers to your questions, please call Dynegy at 888-682-2170.
Is this related to our community’s natural gas program?
The programs are similar but totally independent. You do not have to belong to one to participate in the other.
Where can I learn more about electric deregulation and assistance programs?
The Public Utilities Commission of Ohio has approved a number of additional assistance programs to help customers with their energy bills. You may be eligible to participate in other programs and this offer from Dynegy. Eligibility and enrollment information can be found on the PUCO’s website at www.puco.ohio.gov.
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