The City of Euclid supports sustainability efforts that preserve the environment and conserve energy.  We strive to empower neighborhoods and residents to take greater responsibility for improving our local environment.  This is done by planting trees, beautification efforts, litter prevention, community greening and waste recycling & reduction. 
Likewise, we encourage residents to consider ways to reduce their carbon footprint and improve energy efficiency in their homes.

Have questions or interested in joining the Keep Euclid Beautiful Team?

Email us at


  • Hometown Hero Banners

    Honor your Veteran by sponsoring a Hometown Hero Banner for them.  These make great gifts or surprises.  Banners are hung Memorial Day through Veterans Day along E. 222 Street, right in the heart of Euclid.

    Click here for more details and to print the application.

  • Community Shred Day

    Community Shred Day

    Dates:  April 20, October 5

    Notice:  No Binders, Metal or paperclips

    Location: John A. Piscitello Service Center


    25200 Lakeland Blvd.

    Hours: 9 am to 12 noon

    Notice: No limit - Residential Only No Businesses

  • Household Hazardous Waste Round-up

    Household Hazardous Waste Round-Up

    Dates: March 11-15, June 10-14, and September 9-14

    Location: John A. Piscitello Service Center

    25200 Lakeland Blvd.

    Hours: 8 am to 3 pm

    Acceptable Items:

    Oil or solvent based paints, sealers, primers, varnish, polyurethanes, shellacs, spray paint

    Kerosene, gasoline, lighter fluid, automotive fluids

    Pesticides, herbicides, insecticides

    Caustic household cleaners

    Adhesives, roof tar, driveway sealer


    Notice: We will not accept latex paint at the Round Up as it is not considered a hazardous material. Latex paint will be picked up with curbside trash if the paint is not in a liquid state. To harden paint, mix it with sand, dirt or kitty litter. Place the uncovered paint can on your treelawn for pickup. (This is for households only and not open to the business sector.)


     The Household Hazardous Round-Up is located between the Animal Shelter and the Abiliti Paper Bins (East of the Animal Pound and West of the Service Garage). There are cones set up for the week that guide you back to the truck and attendant. It is in a gated area that is locked at 3:00 p.m. each day.

  • Computer Round-Up

    Computer Round-Up

    Dates: The months of April and August

    Location:  John A. Piscitello Service Center

    25200 Lakeland Blvd.

    Hours: Computers and related apparatus can be dropped off at any time.

    Notice: Televisions cannot be accepted!


  • Scrap Tire Round-Up

    Scrap Tire Round-Up

    Date: September 9 - 14

    Location: John A. Piscitello Service Center

    25200 Lakeland Blvd.

    Hours: 8 am to 3 pm

    Notice: Only passenger and light truck tires can be accepted. Tires must be off of the rims.


  • EV charging stations here in Euclid

    Two new level 2 charging stations, made possible by a grant from the Greater Cleveland Partnership, are now available for public use in the parking lot between Euclid Public Library and City Hall. 

    The chargers are accessible through the Chargepoint mobile app where EV owners can create an account and set up payment for stations like ours nationwide. 


    See the full article here (

  • Euclid Sustainability / Clean Energy Recommendations Report

    Click here to download the City of Euclid Sustainability / Clean Energy Recommendations report in its entirety. 

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