Welcome to Euclid Senior Programs

Message from the Manager 

Euclid Senior Programs is located at the Lakefront Community Center at 1 Bliss Lane, Euclid, Ohio 44123. Euclid Senior Programs is a vital program that provides seniors an opportunity to socialize, exercise, engage in educational forums, and participate in the nutritional programs. The programming and variety of services assists seniors to age in place. The services provided empowers seniors to access resources, address food insecurity, and combats social isolation. Euclid Senior Programs is an important service that keeps seniors connected to valuable resources. 

Euclid Senior Programs offer a wide variety of activities for seniors who want to be socially active. Please check our monthly newsletters and calendar to see our scheduled activities. We offer everything from to Arts and Crafts to Silver Sneakers, and we take bus trips to various interesting locations.

We offer a hot, nutritious, well-balanced lunch program, various health and fitness classes, crafts, recreational activities and so much more.   

Cassaundra Bronson
Program Manager

Volunteers Needed!

VOLUNTEERISM - Seniors (60+) looking for meaningful community involvement as volunteers are encouraged to meet with the Volunteer Coordinator to discuss their skills and interests.

OUTREACH - Outreach Staff helps to identify needs, provide information and acquaint senior residents with the programs and services available. Call the Center to discuss your needs.

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