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Click here to view the Downtown Euclid TLCI Transportation and Redevelopment Plan
Click here to view the Downtown Euclid Overlay District's Design Guidelines
Click here to view the Downtown Euclid Preliminary Design and Engineering Plans
The Downtown Euclid TLCI Transportation and Redevelopment Plan is a comprehensive transportation, redevelopment and reinvestment plan for Euclid's Downtown area. This plan is the result of an extensive public planning process with the help of a NOACA Transportation for Livable Communities Initiative planning grant. This plan has laid the groundwork to reconfigure and redevelop our downtown, and subsequently, redefine the City of Euclid’s image and quality of life.
The Downtown business district is Euclid’s second largest employment center with an estimate of 700,000 sq. ft. of commercial space. This Plan has already presented itself as a catalyst for reinvestment. As of April, 2010, nearly $14 million has been invested or is planned to be invested in Downtown Euclid since the implementation of the Downtown Euclid Transportation and Redevelopment Plan began in 2007.
Through this project, the community has identified infrastructure initiatives and public improvements intended to encourage Downtown Euclid to grow in a sustainable manner. By actively involving stakeholders and the community, the Downtown Euclid Transportation and Redevelopment Project encompasses the ideas, concerns and visions of the people that truly value and have a vested interest in a revitalized downtown.
As challenges of rising competition and continued patterns of unplanned growth continue to escalate, the need to intervene with strategic investment is greater than ever. The foundations of a true downtown that other communities are attempting to fabricate from scratch are already here and must be preserved, enhanced and expanded upon. This project realizes the true potential of Downtown Euclid and commences with the establishment of a reorganized, rebalanced, rejuvenated and reenergized public realm.
Currently, the Downtown Euclid Transportation and Redevelopment Plan is in its preliminary engineering phase. The City was recently awarded a $700,000 grant from NOACA to complete this phase in anticipation of commencing the construction of the improvements.
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