Facility Rentals

C.E. Orr Ice Arena Rental Information:

Rental Rates:

  • Rate: $180 per hour


  • Rentals are based on availability. Submitting an application does not guarantee approval. An agreement must be filled out to secure the rental.


  • Renters must have General Liability Insurance with a minimum coverage of $1,000,000 and name the City of Euclid as an additional insured party.

Cancellation & Swaps:

  • Cancellations: Written notice required at least 30 days prior to avoid full charges.
  • Swaps: Possible with similar contracts, written notice, and Arena Manager approval.


  • Payments are due within 30 days of the invoice. Late payments incur a 1.5% monthly finance charge.
  • Accounts past due beyond 60 days may lose future rental privileges.

Rules & Regulations:

  • Follow all posted signs and staff instructions.
  • Children under 10 need adult supervision.
  • No smoking, alcohol, or tobacco.
  • No spitting on the ice or in common areas.
  • No food or drinks on the ice or in locker rooms.
  • Only Certified ADA Service Animals allowed.

Baseball Field Rental Fees:

General Rental Rates:

  • $10 per practice (3 hours)
  • $50 for one game
  • $60 for up to 4 hours of use
  • $120 for more than 4 hours of use
  • $60 for the use of lights
  • $110 for one game with lights
  • $120 for up to 4 hours of use with lights
  • $180 for more than 4 hours of use with lights
  • $16 per bag of Drying Component
  • $8 for lines


Rentals are based on availability. Submitting an application does not guarantee approval. An agreement must be filled out to secure the rental.

Payment Policies:

  • Fees are due after the rental, considering potential rainouts and field conditions.
  • Renters must have General Liability Insurance with a minimum coverage of $1,000,000 and name the City of Euclid as an additional insured party.
  • Late payments (beyond 30 days) incur a 1.5% finance charge.

Field Rules:

  • Permits are required for organized teams.
  • Warm-ups allowed only in the outfield.
  • No pitching in front of the mound.
  • No unauthorized maintenance on the field.
  • No pets, alcohol, tobacco, vaping, or drugs on the premises.
  • Teams must clean up trash.

Release & Waiver:

  • Renters waive claims against the City of Euclid and agree to hold them harmless for injuries or property damage.


Program Coordinator / Arena Manager: Hannah Zavorek

Phone & Email: 216-289-2700 ext. 3934 or hzavorek@cityofeuclid.com

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