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The Lakeshore Boulevard Water Main and Walkability Project is a collaboration between the Department of Public Service and Planning and Development, consisting of replacing approximately 1,500 feet of existing water main with a new 8-inch water main, road resurfacing, and pedestrian safety improvements. The water main under Lakeshore Boulevard between E 222nd Street and E 228th Street will be replaced with the assistance of approximately $400,000 in grant funding from the Cleveland Water Department. When the water main replacement is complete, Lakeshore Boulevard will be resurfaced and 5 landscaped pedestrian safety islands will be installed at various points along Lakeshore Boulevard with rectangular rapid-flashing beacons with the assistance of approximately $500,000 in grant funding from Cuyahoga County’s 50/50 Program. The Project also includes a new approximately 1,600 foot long, 10-foot wide paved trail extending from a new plaza on the north side of the intersection at Lakeshore Boulevard and E 228th Street into Sims Park, creating better connectivity between Downtown Euclid, Sims Park, and the Lakefront Trail with the assistance of roughly $90,000 in grant funding from the Ohio EPA. The plaza will also feature a new, ADA-accessible transit waiting environment.
Construction began in Summer 2022. The water line replacement between East 222nd Street and East 228th Street was completed Fall 2022.
Repaving and construction of the landscape and pedestrian refuge islands will be completed in Spring 2023.
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