You may have already noticed orange barrels lining Lakeshore Boulevard in our downtown corridor. Here’s why, and what to expect on Lakeshore in the upcoming months:
The Lakeshore Boulevard Water Main and Walkability Project is a collaboration between the Department of Public Service and The City of Euclid Planning and Development Department to replace approximately 1,500 feet of existing water main with a new 8-inch water main, resurface the roadway, and add pedestrian safety improvements to make the downtown area more walkable.
The water main portion of the project aims to replace the waterline currently under the center of Lakeshore Boulevard between E 222nd Street and E 228th Street. Approximately $400,000 in grant funding was sourced from the Cleveland Water Department for this much-needed replacement that will remedy many water issues for our downtown businesses. You may have already noticed the installation of a black above-ground temporary waterline along both sides of Lakeshore. These temporary water lines are supplying undisrupted water service to all our Lakeshore businesses, and are safe to drive over in spaces where they are exposed.
“This is a project that’s a long time in the making,” said Public Service Director Dan Knecht in a recent zoom meeting explaining the project Lakeshore businesses. “We’ve had quite a few major breaks that have disrupted businesses in the last 8 years, and this is finally the time to address that and bring this infrastructure up to something that will be more reliable in the future, and hopefully eliminate breaks like those we’ve experienced over the last 8 years.”
When the water main replacement is complete, Lakeshore Boulevard will be resurfaced and 5 landscaped pedestrian safety islands will be installed at 22626 Lakeshore, E 219th Street, E218th St., E220th St., and 22300 Lakeshore. These islands will include enhanced pedestrian safety features such as rectangular rapid-flashing beacons, and will be landscaped with 24 new trees increasing the City’s tree canopy and helping to create a green “spine” of trees in Downtown Euclid. There will also be stamped concrete crosswalks installed at East 222nd St near Triangle Park and Shore Cultural Centre. This portion of the project was funded with the assistance of approximately $500,000 in grant funding from Cuyahoga County’s 50/50 Program.
The Lakeshore Project also includes a new approximately 1,600-foot long, 10-foot wide paved trail extending from a new plaza on the north side of the intersection at Lakeshore Boulevard and E 228th Street into Sims Park, creating better connectivity between Downtown Euclid, Sims Park, and the Lakefront Trail. This portion of the project was made possible with the assistance of roughly $90,000 in grant funding from the Ohio EPA, and will be created using recycled tires and other green materials. This trail also includes a new ADA-accessible transit waiting plaza to make public transit more accessible for those visiting downtown.
Traffic will be maintained in both directions throughout this project, and access to Lakeshore businesses will not be obstructed. Phase one of the construction plan moved traffic in both directions to the inside lanes while water line work is completed on the outside lanes. Phase two will move traffic to the outside lanes while the main waterline is buried in the center of Lakeshore Blvd, and the new center landscaped pedestrian safety islands are installed. Phase 1 is already in progress and expected to be completed in late October / early November. The beginning of Phase two will be weather dependent, but is scheduled for late 2022.
See more information on our project page here.
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