2025 Memorial Day Parade Info

March 26, 2025

Application to Participate in the 2025 Memorial Day Parade

The City of Euclid and the Veterans of Euclid welcome you or your organization’s participation in the city of Euclid’s Memorial Day Parade, Monday May 26, 2025 starting at 10:00am. Our theme is: All Gave Some, Some Gave All!

Memorial Day is dedicated to war Veterans who have died for their country. All Veterans are welcome and encouraged to march or ride in the parade.

We kindly ask all participants to incorporate elements in their parade displays that honor our veterans. We're proud of our veterans and the sacrifices they have made for our freedoms. Our parade should express the depth of our gratitude and the breadth of our respect. We're looking forward to a parade that is not just spectacle of joy and community but a powerful expression of thanks to those who have served.

You may submit your application using the online form below.

You may also print a paper copy to be filled out and returned via mail by clicking HERE.

If you choose to submit a paper form, please fill out the form completely, and return to:

Euclid Memorial Day Parade Coordinator,

291 East 222nd St. Euclid, OH 44123

You may also scan the paper form and email to lkidder@cityofeuclid.com

Once your application has been approved, you will be notified by email with further instructions. Veterans and their groups applications are automatically approved. Don’t delay, submit your parade entry today!

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions. Thank you for your interest and participation!

The City of Euclid and Veterans of Euclid Memorial Day Committee

Laura Kidder                                                                Zack Golden

Parade Coordinator                                                     Assistant Parade Coordinator                                                                                (216) 289-8578                                                           (216) 289-8578

LKidder@cityofeuclid.com                                          ZGolden@cityofeuclid.com                    

Download Our Parade Float Inspiration Guide

2025 Memorial Day Parade Participation

Parade Rules and Regulations

  1. All groups must visually display honor for veterans.
  2. This parade is dedicated to war veterans who have died for their country; please, no private themes!
  3. No overt advertising is allowed. Sponsors may display name and greetings only.
  4. No political candidacy signs, although participants may identify current offices held. No vote for, elect or support signs allowed.
  5. There shall be NO throwing of any type of item from vehicles, including candy, to anyone. Likewise, participants may not jump on or off of vehicles to distribute any item to any observer.
  6. For items that have been approved for distribution, participants should carry and hand items to observers and bystanders. This includes candy and other sweets. Parade participants may not hand items to observers from a vehicle. Additionally, persons distributing materials must continue to walk alongside their own unit and not intrude upon other unit’s activities or presentation space.
  7. No backward motion is permitted during the line of march.
  8. All units must keep pace with the units in front of them, as led by the Euclid police vehicle.
  9. All units should leave appropriate interval between themselves and the next unit (three to five car lengths), and not allow the interval to become too large (over five car lengths).
  10. Vehicles must proceed safely all the way past the end of the parade route before stopping and unloading.


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