Cuyahoga County’s state-designated anti-poverty agency, Step Forward, has started plans for construction to open a new Neighborhood Opportunity Center on East 200th Street in Euclid near Drug Mart. Step Forward, formerly the Council for Economic Opportunities in Greater Cleveland, helps low-income individuals and families in Cuyahoga County take steps toward brighter futures through holistic support and income-based services such as counseling, parenting classes, head-start, adult skills training and more!
“We know it can be hard to make ends meet and difficult to ask for help or know where to start,” says Step Forward on their website “Step Forward counselors, coaches and teachers work with each individual or family to sort through the chaos and help them restore hope in their future.”
The 50-year veteran agency helps individuals and families address immediate needs and build long-term skills to transform their lives through early childhood education programs, personal and professional adult skills-training workshops and other support like home energy assistance programs that make sure families keep utilities in their homes when going through a financial crisis. Development programs currently available help individuals support parenting, enhance life skills, manage anger or get on track with personal goals. Career planning and job training are also available to help those seeking employment improve skills, earn certifications or improve readiness to pursue and secure better job opportunities.
Currently, Step Forward offers 4 Neighborhood Opportunity Center locations in the Cleveland area. This location in Euclid will replace the current Glenville location, and make these important services accessible to more people in need. “Our new Euclid location will be easily accessible to clients,” said Community Services Coordinator Latasha Thomas. “Our current location (Glenville) isn’t easily accessible from the street, and that’s a problem for some clients. We’re looking forward to opening the new space.”
Thomas added that Step Forward offers assistance for family needs and emergency support (i.e. food, child care, car repair assistance, etc.). For more information on applying for emergency assistance services, community members can reach out a Step Forward Neighborhood Opportunity Center.
The Euclid Neighborhood Opportunity Center is scheduled to open in 2023, but Euclid residents are urged to contact Step Forward at 216-696-1600 or visit to inquire about any of their current programs.
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