In accordance with 24 CFR 91.105(c)(2), and broader federal regulations relative to adoption of expedited citizen participation for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Community Planning and Development Program, the City of Euclid (City) is making a Substantial Amendment to its PY 2019 Annual Action Plan.
Public Comment Period and Process:
The Annual Action Plan amendment is available for a 30-day public review and comment period from June 5, 2024 through July 5, 2024. Citizens wishing to submit written comments during the public review and comment period may be mailed and postmarked no later than July 5, 2024 to the following address:
City of Euclid
Department of Planning and Development
Edward Chenock, Jr., Community Development Manager
585 E. 222 Street
Euclid, OH 44123
Comments may also be emailed no later than July 5, 2024, to Mr. Edward Chenock, Jr. at or provide comment through a phone call/voicemail at (216) 289-8140.
Substantial Amendment:
The City of Euclid will be amending its PY 2019 Annual Action Plan, where the CDBG-CV award is housed, to work in partnership with the Euclid Fire Department to install metal lock boxes to income-qualifying single-family homes of senior citizens, residents with disabilities, or residents who are chronically ill. This program will be made available to both homeowners and renters residing in 1-3 family dwelling units. The City of Euclid Division of Community Development and the Euclid Fire Department will ensure that the rental units are in Good Standing with the City of Euclid Department of Building and Housing. This program will allow participating Euclid residents to make their homes accessible to Fire or EMS, thereby avoiding breaking in to the house. It is estimated that $49,996.00 will be allocated to this activity.
The City of Euclid will be amending the same Annual Action Plan, with the remaining CDBG-CV funds to add amenities to parks and/or public spaces in qualifying low- and moderate-income neighborhoods. The additional amenities will encourage outdoor activity and social distancing, thereby preventing the spread of Coronavirus, or a related illness. It is estimated that $114,894.00 will be allocated to this activity.
Through the aforementioned programs above, the City of Euclid will continue meeting the statutory requirement to Prevent, Prepare for, and Respond (“PPR Tieback”) to the Coronavirus Pandemic, or a related illness.
Public notices regarding future substantial amendments to this or other Consolidated Plans and/or Annual Action Plans will be printed in a local newspaper of general circulation and posted online on the City’s website at
Background on the Consolidated Plan and Annual Action Plans:
The Consolidated Plan and the associated Annual Action Plans describe the housing and community development needs, as well as activities to address those needs through the City of Euclid’s Community Development Block Grant-supported programs, as defined and funded by HUD. As required by HUD, the Consolidated Plan brings together, in one (1) consolidated submission, the planning and application aspects of the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG). More information about Euclid’s CDBG-supported activities is available on the City’s website at
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