Stick & Puck
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Text @eucpuck2 to 81010 to join.
Admission is $5 per person.
Starting October 1st
9:00 am - 11:00 am | Police & Fire Stick & Puck | This is open to all Police and Firefighters |
Biweekly Tuesdays
11:30 am - 1:30 pm | Public Stick & Puck | Tuesdays and Thursdays
C.E. Orr Arena Calendar
Stick & Puck Rules C.E. ORR ICE ARENA
Stick & Puck is a session for hockey players to come out and practice their stick and puck handling, along with shooting skills. A game of pickup may be allowed only half ice. This is not an organized training time. Please be aware of other players on the ice to maintain safety on the sessions.
C.E. Orr Arena does provide pucks.
- Payment must be made at the front desk, and participants must have a season waiver filled out before entering the locker room or ice.
- Goalies skate for free but must have waiver on file.
- Full Equipment is required for players 17 and under
- 18 and older must wear helmets and gloves.
- All participants must wear skates at all times when on the ice.
- Ice is to be divided and shared equally by all participants.
- No training aides, or dividers may be on the ice during Stick & Puck
- Cones are allowed but please keep them off to the side so others can work around.
- No shooting at the glass
- No shooting at the goal if a skater is in front or behind the net, wait for them to clear.
- No food or drink on the ice at anytime
- Checking, shoving, pushing, in-appropriate language, and any other behavior that the on-site management deems inappropriate or unsafe to other participants are not allowable and violators will be asked to leave the ice.
- All skaters must be in the care of a responsible adult while in the Arena and on the ice. Skaters are not to be dropped off.
- For the safety of all participants, The Arena reserves the right to remove a participant from the ice or the facility as a result of any violation of these policies. Refunds will not be given.