The site features a building fronting East 222nd Street with two commercial/retail units on the first floor and two residential units on the second floor, an accessory structure (garage) immediately to the east. In total, the site represents roughly 0.2 acres of land with a County-assessed value of $110,800 along one of the City’s main corridors. By clicking the button below, you will download the City’s Request for Proposals, which outlines the details of the opportunity and how to submit a complete response.
In order for the Evaluation Team to thoroughly review all responses and for the Department of Planning and Development to recommend a development team to Euclid City Council to enter into a purchase and development agreement, all interested parties must provide a complete response package, as detailed in the Submission section.
Please submit all materials via email to Patrick Grogan-Myers at by 4:00 PM on September 16, 2022. Submissions submitted on time will receive a confirmation e-mail. Click the button below to download the entire submission package.
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