New Legislation


New Legislation


Euclid City Council works to provide residents of the City of Euclid with codified ordinances that benefit our citizens and continue to make Euclid a great a place to live, work and visit.


Emergency ordinance to prohibit the operation of “snowmobiles, off-highway motorcycle/dirt bike and all-purpose vehicle/ATV-type vehicles”

A law enforcement officer may now impound an off-road vehicle being operated on public property, or on private property without the express consent of the property owner. 

This Ordinance was written in response to an influx of ATV-type vehicles being operated recklessly on City streets and on private property. 


    See the complete ordinance here. 

Ordinance approving the right of City renters to"Pay to Stay"

An ordinance was passed approving the right of City renters to “Pay-to-Stay”. This ordinance permanently approves the right of City renters to stay eviction and remain in their homes by paying their past-due rent in full. Tenants can take advantage of this legislation by informing the court of their ability to pay at their eviction hearing and then completing payment within the time frame allotted by the magistrate. This ordinance was drafted in response to the COVID-19 pandemic leaving residential tenants vulnerable to evictions. 


    See the complete ordinance here.

Resolution approving a grant application for up to $500,000.00 from the Ohio Department of Natural Resources 

A resolution was passed  approving a grant application for up to $500,000.00 from the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR)’s Land and Water Conservation Fund for the construction of Phase III of the Waterfront Improvements Plan, Senator Kenny Yuko Park.

     See the complete ordinance here.

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