Neighborhood Programs

Neighborhood Programs deal with housing and neighborhood issues as a part of the Community Development Block Grant program. Primarily, the Neighborhood Programs Division administers the Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP), the Euclid Foreclosure Prevention Committee, assists with activities related to the Euclid Development Corporation (EDCOR) and assists with housing related issues with the Housing Department. 

Click here to visit Cuyahoga County's Ideal Homes website that highlights Euclid NSP homes.

Proposed Amendment to City of Euclid’s Neighborhood Stabilization Program 3

The City of Euclid is applying to HUD for an amendment to our Neighborhood Stabilization Program 3. These changes were made to address the real estate market in the City of Euclid.

The following is a summary of proposed changes to the original plan:

1)     October 2013: We will be adding a new activity (R51-120%) for rehabilitation of houses for a buyer whose income do not exceed 120% of area median income, and will be budgeting funds to this activity.

2)      All program income received from this activity will be used to fund all eligible NSP activities.

The complete Neighborhood Stabilization Program 3 plan can be viewed here. Paper copies are available for review at the offices of the Department of Planning and Development Monday thru Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Comments on the proposed changes must be submitted in writing to the department no later than Friday, October 4, 2013.

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