February 23, 2023

EPD takes a pro-active approach to finding new officers.

It is no secret that Police Departments across the country suffer staffing shortages and are taking every measure possible to increase interest and build candidate pools.

The Euclid Police Department along with the Euclid Human Resources Department began talks about a recruiting campaign in late December. 

HR Manager Tina Dick, along with Chief Scott Meyer, Mayor Kirsten Holzheimer-Gail and Captains Janson, Holden, and Houser as well as Communications Manager Christine Vazquez sat down in late December to brainstorm on a creative ways to build a pipeline of talent.

Captain Janson brought National Testing Network to the table, allowing candidates to test at any time, not just yearly, removing time constraints of testing from Entry Level applicants gives Euclid an opportunity to keep the hiring door open.

The group decided an ongoing recruiting effort was also needed, a pro-active recruiting event where officers and HR went to the candidates to talk about Euclid, its history, its current status, and the vision for the future.

This plan quickly turned into a recruiting team of officers, led by Lt. Olszewski and 25 Euclid Officers all eager to help do their part in sourcing candidates that would be working side by side with them.

To date the Recruiting team has scheduled recruiting events at Tri-C Police Academy, Cleveland Heights Police Academy, the University of Akron Police Academy, Lakeland Community College Police Academy and Armed Forces Reserves.  Two of the scheduled events have already taken place and provided 12 candidates of interest.

Each recruiting event takes place during the police academy’s scheduled lunch break, where officers present their experiences as Euclid Police Officers to an entire group. They share what they are looking for in future co-workers, what they like about the Euclid PD, and provide an honest glimpse into what a Euclid police officer can expect on a day-to-day basis.

The purpose of these events is not only to source candidates for today but build a pipeline of interest for future needs. These lunch sessions give candidates an opportunity to hear about the Euclid PD, and then sit and talk one on one, in a casual environment about the life of an officer. Each event also holds short interviews for candidates who want to learn more about Euclid and who may have already applied.

Dave’s Supermarket and Rascal House have provided community support by graciously donating toward the lunch portion of these events. 

Community support is always welcome and needed. If you or someone you know is interested in being a police officer for the City of Euclid please ask them to reach out to one of our recruiters at or Tina Dick HR Manager at

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