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City of Euclid Combined Sewer System Background
The City of Euclid is responsible for wastewater treatment and combined sewers within the City of Euclid. The city owns and operates one (1) wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) and the Combined Sewer System (CSS) encompasses approximately 25 miles of combined sewer, which equates to approximately 12 percent combined sewers and 88 percent separate sewers, which is located entirely within the corporate limits of the City of Euclid. There are presently seventeen (17) permitted combined sewer overflow structures and outfalls prior to the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). The City of Euclid’s CSS transports all dry weather flow and a portion of the wet weather flows to the WWTP. All permitted combined sewer overflows discharge into Lake Erie with one exception that discharges into Euclid Creek.
Combined Sanitary Sewer - Public Notification Plan
The purpose of the City of Euclid Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) Public Notification System is to provide notice to the public of possible Combined Sewer Overflows or water quality impacts from combined sewer overflows.
The City of Euclid monitors data throughout the combined sewer system at various overflow structures and outfalls. Currently, Euclid operates and maintains monitoring equipment at, or near, 17 Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) locations throughout the city. The 17 monitored sites are marked on the map to show the location of each CSO in the city.
This public notification system is based monitoring data, which is used to report combined sewer overflows during a wet weather event at these 17 CSO sites. The public notification system also provides overflow notification during dry weather at all 17 CSOs. The City of Euclid also monitors 4 Sanitary Sewer Overflow (SSO) sites throughout the city.
Information on this site is updated after a CSO event has occurred. If an overflow structure or outfall reports that no overflow is occurring, but it is raining, there is still a potential that an overflow is or can occur.
For More Information Contact:
Laura Travers or 216-289-8188
To Report a Problem, Request Information or Request Service