Refuse Collection


Refuse Collection
For the collection schedule please refer to the 
maps section of this website.


The City of Euclid is currently under contract with Kimble Companies for Automated collection/disposal of refuse and recyclable materials. Informational materials and approved containers (dark green 95 gallon two wheeled can for rubbish and a bright green 65 gallon two wheeled can for recyclable materials) were distributed to all residents receiving curbside pick-up.



Please place trash and recyclable cans on the tree lawn after 6:00 p.m. during daylight savings time the day before your collection (after 4:00 p.m. during standard time), or before 7:00 a.m. the day of your collection. If placed out any earlier, you will be in violation of Ordinance #941.05 which includes a $75.00 fine. This will be strictly enforced. Collection may take place anytime between 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Empty cans are not permitted to remain in the front of any building or residence for a period in excess of twelve hours from the time of collection (Ordinance #186-1969 – Passed 9/2/69).



Recycling is picked up weekly on your regular trash day. Recyclable items do not have to be separated – they can be co-mingled.  Acceptable items include: milk/juice cartons, plastic bottles & containers; brown, clear or green glass; aluminum, tin or bi-metal cans; newspaper, magazines, corrugated cardboard, telephone books, catalogues, cereal boxes (pull out the liner); printer or copier paper and junk mail. Boxes should be flattened and bundled together and placed next to the recycling can, if they don’t fit inside the can.  Items that are not acceptable include: Styrofoam, plastic bags or toys, batteries, light bulbs, wax cartons, wire hangers, aluminum foil, shrink wrap, books, motor oil and antifreeze containers.   


Kimble does not operate on the following Holidays:


New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day.


If a Holiday falls on a weekday, service for that day and the rest of the week will be delayed by one day. If a holiday falls on a Saturday or Sunday, your collection day will not be delayed (collection day will remain the same).



Residents can still drop off paper products at the various Abitibi recycling sites (green and yellow bins) which contribute a portion of the profits to charity. Aluminum cans are also collected at Fire Station #1, 775 East 222nd Street and benefits the Metro Health Burn Unit. Compact Florescent Bulbs can be recycled at the Home Depot, 877 East 200th Street in Euclid.



Latex Paint Cans will be picked up curbside. You must first remove the lids, mix the remaining paint with sand, dirt, kitty litter or sawdust - mix to an oatmeal consistency. Leave uncovered for a couple of days or until the mixture hardens; then place uncovered cans on the tree lawn.



Mattresses/Box Springs/Upholstered Furniture – always need to be double wrapped in plastic and sealed with duct tape. (This also applies to bundled carpeting if they contain bed bugs.) Any plastic is acceptable for wrapping as long as the item is completely sealed. Plastic options may include sheet plastic (available at Lowes or Home Depot), drop clothes or shower curtain liners (available at most dollar and big box stores.)



Large Items – Bulk or large items will be picked up on your regular scheduled trash day, as long as the item is put out properly. Doors need to be removed on any appliance that seals shut. Also, upholstered furniture needs to be completely sealed in plastic. This also applies to mattresses and box springs.



Tires – will not be collected curbside. The City will have a “Scrap Tire Round-Up” September 13 – 18, 2021 at our service center located at 25500 Lakeland Blvd. Hours will be from 8 am. to 3 pm.  Only passenger and light truck tires can be accepted. Tires must be off the rims.



Insulin Needles – The tips of needles need to be broken off; then place needles in a sealed container (i.e. detergent bottle, coffee can) and throw out in the trash receptacle.



Lawnmowers/Snowblowers – Kimble will pick these up curbside after all of the gasoline/oil has been drained. Mark with a sign that all flammable liquid has been removed.



Used Motor Oil – should not be placed on the tree lawn for collection. Lube Stop, Inc. will accept used motor oil during regular business hours (M-F 8-7:00, Sat. 8-6:00) Location: 20501 Euclid Avenue.



Batteries – Will not be collected curbside. Batteries are accepted at Bulldog Battery located at 37645 Vine Street, Willoughby, 44094. Their phone number is (440) 942-2555.


or Batteries Plus Bulbs in Mayfield Heights, 440-449-5555



Branches, Brush and Carpeting must be cut into 3-4 foot lengths and visibly bundled, not to exceed 2’ in diameter. Weight should not exceed 50 pounds.  Bagged leaves/yard debris can be placed in the trash can – not the recycling can or they can be placed next to the cans on the tree lawn.



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