Shore Centre Menu
Did You Know? Your business listing on Shore's website has contact information for your business as well as a link to your website or social media page? If you haven't shared your updated information or website URL with us, download this form and email to
Recurring CC Authorization Form
Instructions: Download and Print the form if you would like to have your rent charged to a credit card automatically each month. Return to Laura Kidder in the office. Do not email the form.
Fingerprint Form - fill out and take to FastFingerprints
Our Lady of the Lake Micro Loan Program
Jon Schallert - What’s a Destination Business? YouTube video
Zen and the Art of Local Advertising
MailChimp - Send professional looking emails and e-newsletters. Free version available
Canva - Design professional looking marketing materials and more with this free web-based graphic program
The Euclid Observer - Submit an article and photos for publication.
To Report a Problem, Request Information or Request Service