Urban League of Greater Cleveland (ULGC)
2930 Prospect Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44115
Phone: (216)622-0999
The Urban League of Greater Cleveland (ULGC) has provided a vast array of employment training services to over 4,500 individual participants for over five years. ULGC works to raise employment and income levels by assisting individuals to access skills, support, knowledge, and networks needed to enter the workforce and advance careers. The Workforce Readiness Programs have been revamped to meet demand-driven, client-centered approach, ensuring a strategic approach to redesigning the Workforce Development Department.
- The most recently enhanced workforce development program through ULGC is the Solid Opportunities for Advancement and Retention (SOAR). This program was created to assist unemployed, underemployed, veteran, and ex-offender in searching for employment, and competition in the job market. It is a three-week program that meets four days a week for seven hours.
- Additional components include: resume development, career exploration, conflict management, business etiquette, employment readiness, and career placement.
- A new program for urban youth who have been involved in the juvenile justice system, yet have no previous criminal record, the Urban Youth Empowerment Program Now (UYEP NOW). This program offers assistance to youths ages 14-18 in soft skills and educational assistance, for GED or high school completion through a partnership with Cuyahoga Community College.
- Other services, such as employment referrals, career fairs, school to apprenticeship program, employer-driven workforce training.