Municipal Court Menu
A person who has received a traffic ticket may plead guilty and pay the waiver without making a court appearance, unless, the face of the ticket indicates a court appearance is required. Tickets may be paid by mail, online by following this link, or in person at the Clerk's Office located at 555 East 222nd Street. The ticket must be paid no later than the day before the court date noted on the ticket.
Cash, check, money order, Visa or MasterCard may be used to pay a waiver. If paying by Visa or MasterCard over the telephone, a $2.50 service fee will be added. Checks shall be made payable to Euclid Municipal Court.
The Court also accepts payment made online.
Each citation indicates the number of violations and their descriptions. There is a fine amount for each violation but only state and local court costs will be assessed once per citation.
All fines collected by the Violations Bureau for violations of the ordinances of the City of Euclid, shall be paid into the treasury of the City of Euclid. All fines collected for violations of State ordinances, shall be paid into the treasury of Cuyahoga County or as otherwise provided by law. All fines collected for violations of the Rules of the Metropolitan Park District shall be paid into the treasury of the Metropolitan Park District. Court costs established pursuant to the Ohio Revised Code shall be paid to the Treasurer of the State of Ohio and court costs established by other sections shall be paid as directed by law. Mandatory State court costs are included in the waiver schedule and disbursed to the State of Ohio unless the Court finds the defendant indigent. The waiver schedule includes a computerization fee and a special projects fee previously enacted by this Court. It also includes the C.R.I.S. fee collected by Cuyahoga County for all moving violations.
Fines are subject to change by Journal Entry of the Court. A copy of the Journal Entry establishing the Traffic Violations Bureau fines and costs is located at the Court.
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